
bicy­cle wash­ing systems

Fast. Thor­ough. Envi­ron­men­tally friendly.

Learn how bicy­cle wash­ing systems can bring a new target group to gas stations and boost busi­ness in this arti­cle from Sprit+ magazine.

Expres­sive appearance!

The promi­nent place­ment of cycleWASH bicy­cle wash­ing systems at the point of sale strength­ens the public image of your company and signif­i­cantly increases media inter­est. Show that you have recog­nized the spirit of the times and expand your range of services for a grow­ing number of bicy­cles and e‑bikes. The traf­fic revo­lu­tion is here!

Best Prac­tice Examples


The most compact bike wash­ing system!

cycleWASH Go Video Poster
Play Video about cycleWASH Go Video Poster


Fully automatic bicy­cle cleaning.

cycleWASH Pro Video Poster
Play Video about cycleWASH Pro Video Poster

Only cycleWASH offers this!

Our inno­v­a­tive technology uses gentle brushes and advanced ultra­sonic technology instead of high pres­sure to protect sensi­tive bicy­cle compo­nents. This prevents damage from deflected water jets, espe­cially in the lower area where sensi­tive parts such as bear­ings and elec­tric drive are located. 

cycleWASH bike wash­ing systems are opti­mized for easy trans­port and fit length­ways on truck load­ing plat­forms (incl. cycleWASH Pro), with the cycleWASH Go in partic­u­lar impress­ing with its minimal space require­ment of a Euro pallet (plus two remov­able ramps). As an option, we offer a special car trailer with a remote-controlled cable winch, which allows a single person to trans­port the system effortlessly. 

In the basic config­u­ra­tion, both the Pro and the Go impress with extremely low power consump­tion (1 and 0.75 kW respec­tively), which makes our systems an energy-effi­cient and envi­ron­men­tally friendly solu­tion for bicy­cle cleaning.

cycleWASH – Inno­v­a­tive. Effi­cient. Sustainable. 

The clean­ing station.

The most compact bike wash­ing system!

Fully automatic clean­ing robot.


Length x Width x Height
146 x 103 x 122 cm
(with­out ramps)

Length x Width x Height
110 x 115 x 120 cm
(with­out ramps)

Length x Width x Height
237 x 126 x 124 cm
(with­out ramps & handle­bar bracket)

Space requirement 

4 x 3 m

3 x 3 m

6 x 4 m


approx. 100 kg

140 – 180 kg

540 – 650 kg


Manual clean­ing
with Clean & Dry Gun

semi-automatic clean­ing
in one pass

fully automatic cleaning


approx. 1 liter per wash

Fresh water connec­tion in STANDARD mode
Water consump­tion compa­ra­ble to high pres­sure cleaner

Closed water circuit in ECO mode
Aver­age water consump­tion of 500 ml per wash

Fresh water connec­tion in STANDARD mode
Water consump­tion compa­ra­ble to high pres­sure cleaner

Closed water circuit in ECO mode
Aver­age water consump­tion of 500 ml per wash


Peak power
1.6 – 3.6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

Peak power
0.6 kVA – 3.6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

Peak power
2.4 kVA – 6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

Equip­ment incl. 

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor

wheel rota­tion unit with spring-loaded brushes
for clean­ing of rims and tires

All-stainless steel version

wheel rota­tion unit with spring-loaded brushes
for clean­ing of rims and tires


Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, exter­nal lithium batteries)

contact­less payment system
(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

semi-automatic clean­ing
with rotat­ing brushes & spray­ing nozzles

Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, exter­nal lithium batteries)

contact­less payment system
(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor

Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, lithium batter­ies integrated)

contact­less payment system
(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

patented 1.2 kW SMART ultra­sonic clean­ing
for tires and rims with height adjustment

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor

full stainless steel design (Plat­inum)

patented drying
with 8 inte­grated energy-effi­cient low-pres­sure blowers

The clean­ing station.

Length x Width x Height
146 x 103 x 122 cm
(with­out ramps)

4 x 3 m

approx. 100 kg

Manual clean­ing
with Clean & Dry Gun

approx. 1 liter per wash

Peak power
1.6 – 3.6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor


Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, exter­nal lithium batteries)

contact­less payment system
(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

semi-automatic clean­ing with rotat­ing brushes & spray­ing nozzles


The most compact bike wash­ing system!

Length x Width x Height
110 x 115 x 120 cm
(with­out ramps)

3 x 3 m

140 – 180 kg

semi-automatic clean­ing
in one pass

Fresh water connec­tion in STANDARD mode
Water consump­tion compa­ra­ble to high pres­sure cleaner

Closed water circuit in ECO mode
Aver­age water consump­tion of 500 ml per wash

Peak power
0.6 kVA – 3.6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

wheel rota­tion unit with spring-loaded brushes
for clean­ing of rims & tires

All-stainless steel version


Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, exter­nal lithium batteries)

contact­less payment system
(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor

Fully automatic clean­ing robot.

Length x Width x Height
237 x 126 x 124 cm
(with­out ramps & handle­bar bracket)

6 x 4 m

540 – 650 kg

fully automatic cleaning

Fresh water connec­tion in STANDARD mode
Water consump­tion compa­ra­ble to high pres­sure cleaner

Closed water circuit in ECO mode
Aver­age water consump­tion of 500 ml per wash

Peak power
2.4 kVA – 6 kVA
depend­ing on the equipment

wheel rota­tion unit with spring-loaded brushes
for clean­ing of rims & tires


Power supply via solar power
(inverter, charger, exter­nal lithium batteries)

contact­less payment system

(Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, Master, Giro, EC)

Remote moni­tor­ing of the machine

patented 1.2 kW SMART ultra­sonic clean­ing
for tires & rims with height adjustment

inte­grated high-perfor­mance compressor

full stainless steel design

patented drying
with 8 inte­grated energy-effi­cient low-pres­sure blowers

Entry-level price for cycleWASH Station
in basic configuration

All prices are ex ware­house Germany plus VAT. Subject to change.
The prices are indica­tive and may vary depend­ing on quan­tity, coun­try of deliv­ery, etc.

Addi­tional equip­ment compo­nents such as a high-perfor­mance blade compres­sor, ultra­sonic clean­ing, inte­grated drying or a cash­less payment system are avail­able at an addi­tional cost.

For a price orien­ta­tion visit our shop or ask for an indi­vid­ual offer.

Entry-level price for basic equip­ment in the

cycleWASH Fran­chise Part­ner Program

(RaaS — Robot as a Service)

The stan­dard term is 3 years.
A monthly net charge of €2 – €3 is made for each wash­ing (depend­ing on the model and equipment).

We currently offer the fran­chise part­ner program in Germany, Austria, Switzer­land, the Nether­lands, Belgium and Luxembourg.

All prices are ex ware­house Germany plus VAT. Subject to change.
The prices are indica­tive and may vary depend­ing on quan­tity, coun­try of deliv­ery, etc.

Addi­tional equip­ment compo­nents such as a high-perfor­mance blade compres­sor, ultra­sonic clean­ing, inte­grated drying or a cash­less payment system are avail­able at an addi­tional cost.

cycleWASH bike wash systems are partic­u­larly suit­able for ..

Before wash­ing your bike, we recom­mend pre-clean­ing it with our power­ful Clean & Dry Gun .

Advanced cavi­ta­tion technology enables effec­tive yet gentle clean­ing of heav­ily soiled areas on the bike.

cycleWASH – the best wash for your eBike

cycleWASH bicy­cle wash­ing machines

partic­u­larly envi­ron­men­tally friendly & sustainable

Ultra-compact (Go)

Euro pallet size (120 x 80 cm) 

Low energy requirement 

depend­ing on model & equipment 

Solar powered 

off-grid (optional)

Integr. Oil Separator 

for harm­less waste water 

Ultra­sonic cleaning 

for tires and rims 

With­out detergent 

if only slightly soiled 

Low water consumption 

ø 3 liters per wash 

Closed water circuit 

in ECO mode 

Low-energy drying 

with low-pres­sure blowers 

Use cycleWASH bike wash­ing systems as a brand ambas­sador for your company. Sustain­able mobil­ity and envi­ron­men­tally friendly clean­ing solu­tions are future issues!

Find out more about the use of cycleWASH bicy­cle wash­ing systems by read­ing about the exam­ple of our customer Ober­alp in their Sustain­abil­ity Report.

cycleWASH AI & Robotics

Cutting-edge technology

in Paris, June 14. – 17.

in Boston on May 10 & 11 

in the Robot­ics for Good Inno­va­tion Factory Grand Finale

Video: cycleWASH at AI for Good 2023
Play Video about Video: cycleWASH at AI for Good 2023

cycleWASH bicy­cle wash­ing machines

Sales to 17 coun­tries & 40+ cities



+32 (0)469 14 68 90




+52 (55) 53 12 38 40





Filippe Oliveira

Germany & World

CW Clean­ing Solu­tions GmbH

+49 221–650-605–32

cycleWASH Logo 2016-04_rgb


Become one of our first cycleWASH POINT part­ners and inquire about condi­tions for a POINT 20, 40 or 40+ for your loca­tion now.

All cycleWASH POINT vari­ants are vandal-proof, winter-proof and suit­able for 24-hour operation. 

All cycleWASH POINT vari­ants are vandal-proof, winter-proof and suit­able for 24-hour operation. 

cycleWASH Robot­ics

bicy­cle wash­ing systems

The right model for every need.

Well­ness for your bike

For your bike only the best!
All our care prod­ucts are based on natural substances and are biodegradable.

In the down­load area you will find brochures, data sheets and further information.