cycleWASH mini DUO Black with Bike 2

mini DUO – The new generation

Semi-automatic bike cleaning.

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The semi-automatic bicy­cle wash­ing system cycleWASH mini DUO is our compact model. The main clean­ing is carried out by means of two rotat­ing wash­ing brushes made of foam/​PE Mylex fibers with pres­sure and pedal sensors, which are constantly wetted by adjustable nozzles during the wash­ing process. Thanks to the low-pres­sure system and extremely gentle EASYClick wash­ing brushes, the system is partic­u­larly suit­able for wash­ing high-qual­ity bicy­cles and e‑bikes. For thor­ough clean­ing of tires and rims, the cycleWASH mini DUO has an automatic wheel turn­ing unit with spring-loaded brushes. The system even cleans slightly and normally soiled bicy­cles with­out any addi­tional clean­ing agents! The system can be oper­ated in ECO Modus with pure water.

Clean­ing process

The bike is pushed through the machine manu­ally. As a result, the dura­tion and inten­sity of the wash can be adapted to the degree of soil­ing and a high degree of clean­ing can be achieved.

mini DUO Editions

cycleWASH mini DUO Black
cycleWASH mini DUO Black & White

Opti­mized design
with height adjust­ment for wheel-turn unit

Supports both the PREMIUM-wash with automatic deter­gent dosing and the ECO-wash with a closed water circuit

3‑way mounted pendu­lum wash­ing brushes

Elec­tronic torque limi­ta­tion
2x IP65 drives with elec­tronic torque limi­ta­tion for brush rota­tion and brush movements

Opti­mized anti-slip wheel turn­ing unit with V‑belt ribbed belt

Numer­ous soft­ware and elec­tron­ics upgrades

In ECO mode, the cycleWASH mini DUO does not require a perma­nent water connec­tion and can be filled on site with a few buck­ets of water and topped up as required. Due to the closed water circuit with filter system, the water is constantly circu­lated and cleaned. This mode of operation is the right choice, espe­cially for frequent changes of loca­tion and events, since it is inde­pen­dent of the local water instal­la­tion.

Thanks to excel­lent mechan­i­cal clean­ing prop­er­ties, lightly and normally soiled bicy­cles can even be washed with­out the addi­tion of clean­ing agents – for the sake of the environment!

In PREMIUM mode, the system has a perma­nent fresh­wa­ter connec­tion and is partic­u­larly suit­able for high utiliza­tion with numer­ous consec­u­tive washes and heav­ily soiled bicy­cles . The automatic deter­gent dosing ensures a constant clean­ing result. The water consump­tion is compa­ra­ble to that of a high-pres­sure cleaner.

Compact & mobile semi-automatic bicy­cle wash­ing system for the work­shop or events

The bike is cleaned from both sides in just one pass by two movable and counter-rotat­ing brushes

Soft EASYClick wash­ing brushes for gentle cleaning

Minimal water consump­tion thanks to a closed water circuit with an impeller pump

Wheel turn­ing unit for easy wheel and tire cleaning

Bicy­cle guide rail with rollers along the wash­ing brushes and the ramp

Adjustable nozzles for opti­mal efficiency

Plas­tic waste water collec­tion ramps made of HDPE

Black PE brushes for splash protec­tion on top and on the sides

High-qual­ity mate­ri­als:
High qual­ity plas­tic hous­ing and stainless steel frame

DEKRA tested and CE compliant

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cycleWASH mini DUO sectional graphics

Anti-grav­ity pendu­lum wash­ing brushes

triple bear­ings, also reach higher places on the bike

LED status lighting

in RGB, indi­cates the current status of the wash­ing program

Direct drive

for the brushes

Completely rust­proof design

with high-qual­ity plas­tic and stainless steel down to the small­est screw

Cash­less payment system



Can be combined with our mobile cycleWASH compres­sor for pre-clean­ing and air drying


Fresh water connec­tion in PREMIUM mode
Water consump­tion compa­ra­ble to high pres­sure cleaner

Closed water circuit in ECO mode
Aver­age water consump­tion of 3 liters per wash


Peak power
in ECO mode 1.1 kVA at 230 volts
in PREMIUM mode 0.55 kVA at 230 volts

Switch cabi­net
Dust and splash protec­tion IP54 accord­ing to VDE and CE standards


Clean & Dry Gun with touch control and timer function


Width x Depth x Height

1435 x 1030 x 1220 mm
(with­out ramps)

3340 x 1030 x 1220 mm
(with ramps)


215 – 240 kg
(depend­ing on the equipment)


Cash­less payment with touch display
for self-service

Clean & Dry Gun

The cycleWASH prod­uct family

The right model for every need!

cycleWASH mini DUO Black
cycleWASH mini DUO Black & White

You can find the recom­mended retail price for our bicy­cle wash­ing systems here in our online shop.

For an indi­vid­ual offer, use the contact form or send us an email to

Enquire now!

cycleWASH bicy­cle wash­ing machines

… more than

bike washes

Wash brushes designed for over


Bear­ings and drives designed for over

oper­at­ing hours

Safety assess­ment by DEKRA

Made in Germany

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Please note that we offer the cycleWASH mini DUO and Pro models only with a paid main­te­nance contract.