Bicy­cle wash. Café. Meet­ing Point.

cycleWASH Point

The world is changing

The future of indi­vid­ual mobil­ity belongs to envi­ron­men­tally friendly means of trans­port. The bicy­cle plays a central role here, espe­cially in our cities. The cities are grad­u­ally being opti­mized for bicy­cle mobil­ity. The motto is fewer cars, more bikes. Both the envi­ron­ment and the citi­zens bene­fit from clean air, less noise and an over­all increase in the qual­ity of life in urban areas.

The increas­ing number of bicy­cles & e‑bikes natu­rally want to be main­tained and cared for. An expan­sion of the bicy­cle infra­struc­ture, espe­cially at frequented loca­tions, seems to be the logi­cal conse­quence. This is exactly where cycleWASH comes into play.

Our sugges­tion: The cycleWASH POINT!

With our cycleWASH POINTs we would like to estab­lish modern spaces for the needs of all bicy­cle enthu­si­asts in urban areas. Mobil­ity hubs in cities are partic­u­larly suit­able as location.

Thanks to the modular structure, the cycleWASH POINTs can be specif­i­cally adapted to the needs at the loca­tion: In addi­tion to the bicy­cle wash, in a Service POINT repair and main­te­nance are also avail­able. The Meet­ing POINT combines the cycleWASH bike wash with a café. The Park­ing POINT vari­ant offers secure bicy­cle park­ing facil­i­ties and is there­fore partic­u­larly suit­able for Park & Ride areas of public transport.

Addi­tional features such as energy supply via a solar system, rain­wa­ter harvest­ing and e‑bike charg­ing stations complete the mobil­ity solution.

The cycleWASH POINTs are avail­able in 20 feet and 40 feet container sizes.

cycleWASH POINT 40

40 feet container


e.g. as

  • Service POINT
    with clean­ing area & workshop
  • Meet­ing POINT
    with clean­ing area & café or self-service vend­ing machines
  • Park­ing POINT
    with clean­ing area & secure bike parking 


  • 3 doors: entrance, room divider, exit
  • wash basin, tech­ni­cal room


Addi­tional options

  • Premium inte­rior: LED light­ing, false ceil­ing, large windows, automatic doors, heat­ing and cool­ing system
  • Energy supply via solar system, rain­wa­ter collec­tion, toilet, e‑bike charg­ing stations

The sketch shows the layout of a cycleWASH POINT 40+ with a large clean­ing area and a cycleWASH Pro on the right side.

On the left side is a retail area with vend­ing machines and seat­ing, and to the right is the rain­wa­ter tank and a toilet.

…also avail­able…

cycleWASH POINT 20

20 feet container

Compact layout
• Inte­rior e.g. singu­larly usable as service, meet­ing or park­ing POINT
• e.g. you can oper­ate a vandal­ism-proof cycleWASH Pro in the outdoor area

• 2 doors: entrance and exit
• Wash basin with vanity unit & instant water heater
• Heat­ing and cool­ing system (optional)

The sketch shows the layout of a cycleWASH POINT 20 in a “Clean­ing Only” config­u­ra­tion with a cycleWASH Pro.

All cycleWASH POINT vari­ants are vandal-proof, winter-proof and suit­able for 24-hour operation. 

The cycleWASH POINTs are supplied with insu­la­tion in accor­dance with German regu­la­tions, power and water connec­tions, stan­dard light­ing and a water­proof floor.